The Bruce A. Garrett Medical library provides expertise, collections and services that are essential to the success of the students and faculty of the Baptist School of Health Professions.
Computer Lab
The Helene Fuld Nursing Computer Laboratory is located within the library and houses eighteen computers. Students are welcome to utilize the computers which allow access to the internet, Moodle, and library online resources. Microsoft Office software is also available. A credit/debit card or PayPal account allows students to print for ten cents per side.
Study Rooms
Study rooms are available for student use on a first come, first served basis.
Educational monitors are located in the study rooms for laptop group work using Google Cast. A whiteboard is available in two of the study rooms for group work.
Study Room Policy
- Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis.
- Group study room 304 accommodates one to four people.
- Group study rooms 302 and 303 are for collaborative group study for groups of 2 or more students.
- Walk up groups have priority over single users. The library reserves the right to move single users to the main library room to accommodate incoming groups.
- Drinks are allowed in the study rooms.
- No food is allowed in the study rooms.
Library Staff
Patricia Mejia
Director, Medical Library
Monika Talaroc
Distance Learning Librarian
Library Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
Closed Weekends & Holidays
Baptist School of Health Professions
3rd Floor
8400 Datapoint Dr
San Antonio, TX 78229